Industrial Solutions
Medical Gases Onsite Generators
Onsite oxygen generation is a beneficial and cost-effective solution to meet your industrial oxygen requirements. Onsite oxygen generators increase safety by eliminating the need for the transportation and handling of oxygen tanks and can increase efficiency when using oxygen for various applications.
Our in-house data analysts have a hands-on approach to data.
Companies analyzed
Last year, we were able to help nearly 50 companies.
Dollars saved in a day
Our consultants were able to save our client $130k in a day.
Vehicle Modification
We modify ambulances, emergency vehicles, and mobile clinics. We deal with any kind of mobile medical unit for general examination, screening, and imaging. Modifying design and manufacturing of custom mobile units, trucks, semitrailers, and shelters.
Vehicle designers
Our designers have an extensive experience in the background of vehicle modification.
Visualizations made
From presentations, designing to marketing materials and beyond.
Ongoing projects
Data changes, but our team stands by your side when you need us.
Site Preparation
We will manage all aspects of the construction process, including site preparation, foundation work, building construction, electrical and plumbing installation.
Exposure to radiation can result from natural sources (e.g. radon in homes), planned (medical, occupational), or accidental situations. Exposure may be external (with or without contamination of skin, hair, or clothes), internal (inhalation, ingestion, or via a contaminated wound), or a combination of both.
Radiation Monitoring & Protection
Today, the most common artificial sources of human exposure to radiation are X-ray machines and radiopharmaceuticals used for diagnostic or radiotherapy and other medical devices.
Exposure to radiation can result from natural sources (e.g. radon in homes), planned (medical, occupational), or accidental situations. Exposure may be external (with or without contamination of skin, hair, or clothes), internal (inhalation, ingestion, or via a contaminated wound), or a combination of both.
All of our data engineers are Boston University graduates.
Systems engineered
We've worked with clients from all walks of life, from tech to agriculture.
Ongoing projects
We keep in touch with our clients and offer ongoing support.